Friday, September 11, 2009

NYC full of the LOVE for FASHION

"Things never turn out the way you plan them but that's okay cuz I am the spontaneous type's more adventurous that way."
~Lady Yvette

Rich B#@*%es on Madison Ave...I ain't mad at them, tho!

Fashion's Night Out was officially a success...I wish I had a Sex and the City crew I could call my own...Am I materialistic for wanting to be fabulous and LOVING fashion?...hmmmmm, NOPE!!! I think NOT!!! Where is Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda when you need them? LOL j/k...cuz I had my FAB friend, Carolyn with me - footin' it in heels and ALL, lastnight....LMAO!!

Yes, first show of the week was perfect. It reminded me how much I will miss SUMMER!! Rosa Cha's production of the S/S 2010 Collection was bittersweet with citrus accents and the bold black/white strip & dot motif. The swimsuits, dresses, jumpsuits, pants and tops were all very reminiscent of 50s swim/beachwear but structured with the lightest of fabrics, mostly chambray. The new creative director, Alexandre Herchcovitch took an objective stance with this collection and found inspiration in the DNA of Rosa Cha - the beauty of the Brazilian lifestyle and the juxtaposition of structure and fluidity. Model Chanel Iman open the show and I must say she is quite adorable! LOL

These image are all via my perspective from where I was standing at the show...YES, I said standing but it was all worth the 7 mins in my citrus orange pumps!!! Go to to check out the entire show.

How shoes match the major color motif of the Rosa Cha Spring 2010 collection!!

Heels and all, Carolyn and I head to Fred Leighton on Madison Ave but never make it...that's cuz we jump on a shuttle bus running specifically for FNO and got off to soon on Madison but in the heart of where allot of other things were taking place....

Charlize Theron @ Dior Flagship store on 21 East 57th Street...we just missed her go in!! DAMN, and I do NOT do lines so it was nice to see the dedicated fans...we walked next door to CHANEL....and then back to our original mission of seeing the windows at Fred Leighton but wait...Hermes was calling me on Madison Ave...

"I wanted that one, please!!"

And then the avant-garde, extravagant, crispy stark white shirts of Anne Fontaine was calling with the jazz band and champagne seducing me at the door....

Anne Fontaine welcomed me with champagne and a chance to win the FNO Sweepstakes...definitely can't be mad at that!

The night continued on where I meet CassiRenee taking over for Carolyn (heels NOT a good idea for FNO but trust there were more than just us knuckle heads out rockin heels out to shop)'s good thing I brought my TopShop heather gray "white girl" shoes, tho (yup, that's what I call them..have been since I was little so please don't take offense ;-) is what it is...LOL) to then truck it down to SoHo with Cassi....

Here is where I must leave ya wonderin'...all I can say is you should of been there!!! So much fun, energy and FASHION!!!

Thank you to all the editors of VOGUE, Mayor Bloomberg, the celebrities that made appearances and made some money tonite, rich B!%@&# who had money/credit cards to spend on ERES, Hermes or Chanel, designers who design and price their garments for only the rich to buy, fashionistas who walk in the name of fashion and the little people who fall in between falling for this big hoax to get them all richer....Opps, did I say that??!!! NO, I mean to revive the fashion retail industry and the slump we've been in, in sales. LMAO, but I can't be mad at them... Crazy tho, huh?...;-) It's all in the name of FASHION and I am right there with them is what it is, right??!!

Well, I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for my review and updates on NYFW shows I attend...

Lady Yvette

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