Tuesday, February 17, 2009

HELLO, HELP and HOLLA.....!!!

What should my blog title be?....Hmmmmmm, I've been racking my brains for days - well, actually since Sunday but, I can't figure out what the title of my new blog should be. So, as my first entry of my new blog I thought it would be COOL if my readers would help me out on this. Take a look at the above photo for inspiration...LOL.

You see the idea behind me starting this blog is to keep up with writing for starters. Secondly, I thought this would also force me to keep up with staying in the know of what's HOT and NEW. It's very overwhelming, though. Keeping up with everything, that is...but, I want to be that resource of what's new, different and DOPE!!

Just go to my "about me" section to the right to get the quicker version of what me, myself, and I iz about and what I plan to bring to you on the reg...which brings me to the first concept I had in mind for my title....Mz. Lady Yvette presents: "GENERATION COOL" - Anything DOPE, FRESH, n FLY!...what do you think?....feedback is crucial to my understanding of the perspective of others so, feel free...all I ask is for you to introduce yourselves with me so we can get acquainted and then submit your idea for my blog title...sounds fun, right?!! Well, this is my way of interacting with my readers and getting a feel of who is tuning in...

You know it has occurred to me that the past has come back to haunt us...in a good way, though. Growing up in the eighties/nineties as part of the Reagan/Bush Era, I'm considered what you call Generation X...labels, I know, can't stand them - but, it's true. And for some odd reason fashion, music, pop culture has taken a ride 'back to the future' (loved that 80s movie). Everything has gone retro, whether, it has its hand in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, or even 90s!

Okay, so the collage below (more inspiration, BTW) has this statement situated on it where it says, "WE ARE THROUGH BEING COOL"...and I sit here and wonder when and where this pic was taken cuz are we really through with being "COOL"? I mean Kanye West REALLY thinks he is "cool" and I agree...he is a great example of bringing forward new concepts but going back to the past for inspiration....I mean really look at his new hair-do, for christsakes! The Mullet??!!...not a good look in my opinion but I will say that the kid has an imagination...and I'm a dreamer so I can relate. Check out his DOPE new video, "Welcome to Heartbreak" by Nabil Elderkin at http://www.kanyeuniversecity.com/blog. Although, I would have to write a whole separate blog that I won't get into at the moment, I must say the technique used in this particular video is *sic* and so different it's a must see...

OH!! and look at TV, for instance...there are brands that have gone to ad agencies looking to appeal to Gen X thus, creating unoriginal commercials. Have you seen GUITAR HERO'S new commercial, reminding us of how cool it was to see Tom Cruise dancing in his socks and white button down in "Risky Business"???!!!... it definitely got my attention - at how funny and stupid Kobe, Phelps, and all the rest of them looked dancing or "rockin' out"in there tighty whiteys...HAHAHAHAHAHA. Check it out if you haven't already....

But, this is just another example of my point. There's also, PEPSI who has always used pop culture for inspiration. "The Refresh Anthem", one of their current running commercials with pop icons Dylan and Will.i.am, is another great example of how the past is so parallel to the NOW. We will always go back for little inspiration or even just bring the past back...which is alright by me because I can appreciate the things that was cool back in the 70s that my mom may think I am crazy for and I am honored that the 80s style and fashion is soooo cool, now. At first, it was kinda freaky to see young boys rocking high top fades as I was on my way home from work one day but it's here and BAAAACCCK!!....LOL


1 comment:

  1. i swear i saw some of the same fades being rocked in Indiana and Illinois when I was at track meets...my thought hmmm it looked better on us lol...i think that should be the name of this blog....They're BAAAACCCk!! ~KennyH
