Thursday, December 31, 2009

LaChapplle's Tableau Vivants for Maybach


This Maybach ad campaign by David LaChappelle spoke to me on so many different levels and I thought it was appropriate inspiration being that tonite is NYE!! Maybach also speaks luxury and success to me so I wish all of you that in the New Year. But what also gets me is the production of a shoot of this magnitude. I'm like a kid in a candy store looking at all the detail that went into this production!!

Credits photos & copyright David LaChapelle / Daimler (source: Cyana TrendLand)

Check out the video of behind the scenes...

1 comment:

  1. Wow that was truly a lot of work that went into production. I feel even more for the models. People think modeling is easy but it really is not. To hold a pose as they make you adjust over and over again without loosing your character is quite tedious and very difficult.
    Bravo to David LaChapelle and his crew. it looks spectacular.
